Alternative Bismarck Monument
Time-based Sculpture (AR)
XXX (Alternative Bismarck Monument) reflects on hegemonic politics of representation on the basis of memorials. The AR-based narrative uses speculative history to reflect on the undoing of dominant power structures in and beyond the field of visuality. An ephemeral image - an 8-bit version of a prehistoric goddess - is attached to public Bismarck monuments throughout Germany and turned into “triggers” of an alternative, transmuting monument, via AR and geo-location technology. The virtual monument thus brought forth, reveals hidden stories in and around the body of the memorial and speaks to its colonialist implications via virtual avatars. The work can be accessed through common smart devices. XXX approaches virtual space as a potential to contest, undo, and rethink historical markers set in stone; collective memory becomes a fluid, ephemeral, and critically discursive space.
Helen Starr writes: "The connection between Deleuze’s fold concept and Hyldig Dal’s time-traveling artwork lies in their mutual emphasis on embracing diverse perspectives and engaging with the intricacies of lived experiences of the past and present. Monuments AR introduces us to time-travelling as a means to navigate and comprehend various social and cultural realities, their synchronization and merging with and from each other. This involves moving across different cultural frameworks, adopting varying subjectivities and ways of existence. It encourages individuals to step beyond their own viewpoints and empathetically interact with others’ perspectives. Integrating the notions of folding space-time and historical recurrence, such as return to matriarchal societies. This underscores the brain’s role in perceiving time, history, and reality. These concepts propose that the brain doesn’t just passively absorb linear temporal information but actively grapples with intricate folds of time, interpreting recurring historical patterns, and thereby contributing to the construction of personal and collective realities—out of which new cultural concepts can emerge. Thus, in 2023, through the technology of augmented reality, Monuments AR becomes a totemical addition to the Bismarck Memorial, manifesting another poetic reality.(...)"
- Excerpt from Counter Monuments (transcript)